EPAC System™ by Maradyne Filtration
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the EPAC do and how does it help me?
A: The EPAC System™ is a self cleaning engine air intake system that eliminates daily or frequent filter service requirements and greatly extends the period between filter change outs. In fact, you will probably never have to touch the filter between filter changes. Depending on the severity of the environment and the nature of the dust being collected you could easily go a year or more between filter change out.
Q: Does my equipment have to be shut down for the EPAC to clean?
A: No. The EPAC System™ operates automatically while the equipment is in use and continuously cleans while the equipment operates.
Q: Where does the compressed air come from that the EPAC uses for cleaning?
A: Some equipment is supplied from the factory with an on-board compressor and this can often be configured for EPAC operation. For equipment without a compressor the EPAC System™ can be supplied with a vehicle mounted, electrically operated compressor.
Q: My current air cleaner has a secondary filter (a smaller filter inside the primary filter). Does the EPAC?
A: No. A secondary filter is not necessary with the EPAC System™. The secondary filter on the existing system is provided to prevent dust from falling into the engine intake during filter service. This service is frequently performed daily which creates many opportunities for dust to find its way into the engine during filter removal. With theEPAC System™ the filter will normally only have to be removed once or twice a year for change out, nearly eliminating any chance of dust entering the intake system.
Q: My equipment is still under warranty. Will the installation of the EPAC void my warranty?
A: If properly installed the EPAC System™ meets or exceeds all equipment manufacturers’s engine filter performance requirements. Maradyne Filtration Sytems can provide any necessary documentation for performance. Contact MFS at 800-537-7444 Ext 5 with any questions.
Q: We operate in a very dirty environment. Will the EPAC be able to keep our filter clean? How often will the filter have to be changed?
A: Yes, the EPAC will keep your filter clean. In fact, the dirtier the environment is the bigger the benefit from the EPAC System™. The EPAC cleaning cycle frequency is adjustable to adapt to changing operating environments. Filter change out frequency is dependent on a number of variables but the “norm” is somewhere from every six months to once a year. Maradyne Filtration Sytems will work with you in establishing a change out schedule.